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22 July 2017
The land for our food: public screenings
Find here the list of upcoming and past screenings of our documentary The land for our Food in English and other languages.
12 June 2017
A.E.I.A.R. workshop: How to facilitate the access to land for farmers
A.E.I.A.R. extends invitations to all European actors in the field of rural policy to participate in their Brussels workshop on ’How to facilitate the access to land for farmers’, which will be held on 21st July.
15 March 2017
Field visit on farm incubators in France
From 15 to 17 March 2017, Terre de liens and RENETA, the French network of farm incubators, organised a European field visit to present various experiences of farm incubators in France and reflect upon the role these can play towards entry into farming, viable farming, farm succession, and local (…)
Public seminar and networking event
13 December 2016
Towards a European Network of Cities for Agroecology
A seminar bringing together representatives of cities involved in the development of agroecology, together with experts and civil society organisations.
Policy Conference
7 December 2016
How to ensure access to land for farmers in the EU
On 7 December, a conference co-organised by the European Economic and Social Committee, the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament and the Coalition "Hands on the Land“ to analyse the situation and discuss possible solutions.
25 November 2016
Land Forum for Food Sovereignty in Austria
The Land-Forum aims to be a first nationwide networking and strategizing meeting of people/initiatives active around democratic, socially just land use and management in Austria.
A weekend of conversations about land
12 November 2016
Land For What?
This 12th and 13 November, the Land For What Land event in London, UK offers a participatory weekend of learning, thinking and planning practical action.
Toolkit and collaborations
8 November 2016
European Farm Succession Conference
With the aging of European farmers, and a rising number of newcomers entering farming, farm succession has become an urgent and complex process. This conference presents practical tools to support farm succession.
Let’s build a big inspiring Food Sovereignty Movement in Europe!
26 October 2016
2nd Nyéléni Europe Forum
Some 700 - 1000 participants who work on food sovereignty, from the entire pan-European area of 42 countries, will come together in Cluj-Napoca from 26th – 30th October 2016.
20 September 2016
Our film "Land for our Food" in competition at Festival delle Terre
We are happy to communicate that we submitted our documentary "The Land for our Food" to the Festival delle Terre, which will be held in Rome in December 2016.