Access To Land

The Land for our food

A road movie produced by the Access to land partnership

The Land for Our Food from Access to Land Network on Vimeo.

The Land for our Food is a documentary movie produced by the Access to Land network and directed by Julio Molina. The video takes us on the journey of Gavin Bridger, a grower from the Community Supported Agriculture project of Farnham Local Food in England, through various European countries in his quest of accessing land for agroecological farming. The Farnham community food project is actually in search of land and Gavin discovers that this is by far an isolated problem! All over Europe the difficulty to find suitable and affordable land is posing a great barrier to the development of sustainable and often small-scale agriculture. His mentor, Rachel Harries from the Soil Association, links Gavin up to the Access to Land network and the journey is on its way.

This road-movie documentary gives us insights into the contexts and approaches of civil society initiatives from various countries in Europe regarding access to land: England, France, Spain, Italy and Romania. Gavin meets some of the initiatives from the Access to Land network, and also meets farmers and journalist George Monbiot to better understand the scope and historical roots of access to land issues. This documentary provides a very concrete introduction to access to land issues in Europe and captures a range of practical experiences in a unique way!

Language versions:

View here the film in French, Romanian, German, Italian, Spanish, Catalan and Czech.

Practical informations:

 Duration: 34 minutes
 Original language: English
 Sub-titled versions: in French, Romanian, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Czech and German.
 Distributed under Creative Commons Licence Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 2.0

How to view and share the film?
Feel free to view, screen and share the movie as much as you want!

 View the movie on-line - in English (above), French, Romanian, German, Italian, Spanish, Catalan and Czech.
 Download the movie on vimeo (click on the video above) to share it, organise a public screening or view it off-line.
 Share your thoughts on twitter: #accesstoland and #landforourfood
 Share on Facebook
 Download our background materials to present the movie around you or announce a public screening:

  • Film Overview
  • Pictures and quotes from the movie
  • Land for our Food Poster (A4/A3)

View here the list of upcoming public screenings. If you are organising a public screening, please tell us about it here so that we can know about it and share it more broadly!

Download documents

  Photos and quotes from the film   Poster Land for our food   Overview_Land for our food   Poster The Land for our Food large   Questions_Debate_Landforourfood-EN
