Access To Land

World Forum on Access to land

From 31 March to 2 April 2016, about 300 people – civil society organisations, farmers and indigenous people’s organisations, academics and policy-makers – will gather in Valencia, Spain to discuss access to land on a global stage.

The World Forum on Access to Land will debate the major issues linked to unequal access to land and natural resources. Day 1 will focus on taking stock of the current situation and trends. Day 2 will debate the economic, social and environmental consequences of the current situation in terms of land use and distribution. Day 3 will work towards identifying proposals and actions. Topics will include land grabbing and concentration, women’s access to land, job creation and generational renewal, international trade and food systems, land market regulations, and Guidelines on Land Tenure.

The event, led by two research and development organisations, CERAI (Spain) and aGter (France), is coordinated by a group of civil society and farmers’ organisations, governments and international institutions, and experts. It is one of the events taking place this year, which aims at following up from the International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development organised in Brazil 10 years ago.

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