Access To Land

The Land for Our Food accepted at Festival delle Terre

We are happy to communicate that our documentary The Land for our Food has been accepted at the Festivall delle Terre competition and will be screened Saturday 4th of December at Cinema Trevi, in the very heart of Rome.

The Land for our Food is a 34min road movie produced by the Access to Land partnership and directed by filmmaker Julio Molina. It follows Gavin Bridger, a young farmer from a UK based CSA project, after his farm has been ordered to leave their land. What to do then? Gavin’s reaction is to sets out on a journey across Europe to meet farmers and organisations who are addressing land issues.

The Festival delle Terre would be a great opportunity to disseminate our documentary and spread curiosity and knowledge on the issue of access to land in Europe to a broader and targeted audience as the festival’s purpose “is to give voice to farmers, local communities, indigenous and people who fight for land’s rights all around the world”. Moreover, this year’s program include, along with the screenings, several parallel initiatives: photographic and comics exhibitions, meetings with the authors, debates and morning screenings for an audience of young people.

The Festival delle Terre is organized by Centro Internazionale Crocevia and Mediateca delle Terre and reached the 13th edition this year. The Festival showcases each year in the two main section (in competition – out of competition) a wide selection of documentaries, animation and investigation movies. This year thematic sections will be:

 "Resisting Lands." Hosting documentaries about safeguarding of soils, respect for the Earth and all small food producers, preserving ecosystems, rural resistance, food sovereignty as an alternative to the global speculation process of planet’s resources.

 “Indigenous people. Tales of dignity.” that exposes the problem of small communities that have to fight against industrialization and global economic interests in order to save themselves and their living in harmony with nature.

  “Preserving the planet. Alternatives to feed the world” will be dedicated to works focused on environment and documentaries about the sustainable management of the resources of the planet, biodiversity and food safety.

 a special focus about the theme of farm workers in agriculture; this section will welcome works about rural resistance.

Moreover, Land for Our food will be screened also the 6th of December in Viterbo – Faculty of Agronomy - as part of the Festival “Immagini dal Sud del Mondo” a local festival reaching its 22nd edition this year.

However, if you are not in Rome, nor in Viterbo, you can watch our video with a variety of subtitles here: English, Romanian, Italian, French, German, Czech, Spanish and Catalan – do let us know what you think about it!

Centro Internazionale Crocevia is an Italian public interest NGO founded in 1958. Crocevia works on environmental and agrarian issues, with specific focus on community alternatives. It works in partnership with many local and national civil society and small food producers’ organizations in Latin America, Asia, Africa, the Middle-East and Europe.

Mediateca delle Terre is a multimedia archive that contains an archive of more than 2000 audiovisual documentaries, movies, photos and educational materials.

Terra per il nostro cibo from Access to Land Network on Vimeo.
