Access To Land

Speakers’ presentations - June Seminar

Find here slide shows and presentations from our speakers

With no less than nine workshops, and four plenaries, the seminar offered us great opportunities to hear stories, experiences and analyses from a wide array or organisations and speakers. Our warmest thanks to all speakers for making their presentation available wide and large!

Day 1

Our three parallel morning workshops were:

Access to land for small farms

  • Dan Cismas, EcoRuralis, Realities and challenges of small farms in Romania
  • Harry Greenfield, Reclaiming small farms: microdairies in the UK
  • Astrid Bouchedor, FIAN Belgium, The UN Declaration on Peasant Rights

How to set up access to land initiatives?

In the afternoon, we covered three more topics:

The role of local authorities

The relation between access to land and community-supported agriculture

  • Jocelyn Parot, Urgenci and Peter Volz, Die Agronauten, Why is land an issue for CSA?
  • Jan Valeska, AMPI, CSA and access to land in the Czech Republic
  • Kaat Segers, De Landgenoten, The synergies between CSAs and De Landgenoten in Flanders

Day 2

The morning was dedicated to a review of policy opportunities and challenges, both at European and national.

Plenary: Land, an EU policy issue?

National land market regulations

In the afternoon, we shared around three topics:

Land is for food

  • Juanjo Barbidia, SOC-SAT and ECVC, Claiming land through direct action: the experience of SOC-SAT in Andalusia
  • Gary Mitchell, CLAS, Wales: the land of opportunities?
  • Peter de Franceschi, ICLEI, The potential of cities to procure food locally

Land is for a new generation

  • Honor Eldridge, Soil Association, Supporting the installation of new growers in the UK: context and challenges
  • Tanguy Martin, Terre de liens, Directing land to new entrants
  • Severine Fleming, Agrarian Trust and Greenhorns, The Agrarian Trust: land access for the incoming generation of farmers

Land as commons

Late afternoon, we broke up in three groups to explore future collaborations around:

  • policy work
  • educational and communication tools
  • experience sharing on Access to land
    Notes on these sessions are still upcoming!

During our concluding session, we received the gift of a song from singer Robin Grey, from Three Acres and a Cow, who led us into singing one of the emblematic songs in the history of English land struggles.
