With no less than nine workshops, and four plenaries, the seminar offered us great opportunities to hear stories, experiences and analyses from a wide array or organisations and speakers. Our warmest thanks to all speakers for making their presentation available wide and large!
Day 1
Our three parallel morning workshops were:
- Maria Diaz, Rurbans and Veronique Rioufol, Terre de liens, New entrants in agriculture: sketching a profile and exploring land access
- Suzanne Vroon, The experience of Toekomstboeren in the Netherlands
- Jenny Gkiougki, Agroecopollis, Realities of new entrants in Greece
- Liliane Piot, CIAP and Terre de liens, Coordinating support to new entrants for land acquisition and the setting up of a new farm business
- Joan Muntané, Lleida City Council, A municipal farm incubator: the Viver d’agricultors de Rufea
- Dan Cismas, EcoRuralis, Realities and challenges of small farms in Romania
- Harry Greenfield, Reclaiming small farms: microdairies in the UK
- Astrid Bouchedor, FIAN Belgium, The UN Declaration on Peasant Rights
In the afternoon, we covered three more topics:
- Jocelyn Parot, Urgenci and Peter Volz, Die Agronauten, Why is land an issue for CSA?
- Jan Valeska, AMPI, CSA and access to land in the Czech Republic
- Kaat Segers, De Landgenoten, The synergies between CSAs and De Landgenoten in Flanders
Day 2
The morning was dedicated to a review of policy opportunities and challenges, both at European and national.
In the afternoon, we shared around three topics:
- Juanjo Barbidia, SOC-SAT and ECVC, Claiming land through direct action: the experience of SOC-SAT in Andalusia
- Gary Mitchell, CLAS, Wales: the land of opportunities?
- Peter de Franceschi, ICLEI, The potential of cities to procure food locally
- Honor Eldridge, Soil Association, Supporting the installation of new growers in the UK: context and challenges
- Tanguy Martin, Terre de liens, Directing land to new entrants
- Severine Fleming, Agrarian Trust and Greenhorns, The Agrarian Trust: land access for the incoming generation of farmers
Late afternoon, we broke up in three groups to explore future collaborations around:
- policy work
- educational and communication tools
- experience sharing on Access to land
Notes on these sessions are still upcoming!
During our concluding session, we received the gift of a song from singer Robin Grey, from Three Acres and a Cow, who led us into singing one of the emblematic songs in the history of English land struggles.