Access To Land


Agriculture in Austria

 In the ‘green report’, the Austrian agricultural ministry presents current statistics and issues of Austrian agriculture (in German; tables and some info available in English):
Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Abteilung II 5 (2016): Grüner Bericht 2016: Bericht über die Situation der österreichischen Land- und Forstwirtschaft. Available at:

 In this article, Schermer offers an account of the development of organic farming in Austria as well as an analysis of Austria’s CSA landscape and its challenges (in English):
Schermer, Markus (2015): From “Food from Nowhere” to “Food from Here” changing producer–consumer relations in Austria. In: Agric Hum Values 32 (1), S. 121–132. DOI: 10.1007/s10460-014-9529-z.

 For an overview of the development of Austrian agriculture since its EU membership, see Egartner, S. and Resl, T. (2015): Einblicke in Österreichs Landwirtschaft seit dem EU-Beitritt. Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft Nr. 108 (in German).
Available at:

 A large collection of papers on specific Austrian agricultural policies can be found on the website of the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics:

Land issues in Austria

 This article highlights the question of land ownership and its intransparency in Austria (in German)
Reisenberger, Brigitte (2016): Land – In wessen Hand? FIAN Österreich

 In the Austrian chapter of the TNI report on land concentration and land grabbing in Europe, the history of land struggles in Austria and especially in Vienna is portrayed. In particular, the case of the SoliLa! land occupation of 2012 is discussed.
Möhrs, K., Forster, F., Kumnig, S., and Rauth, L. (2013): The politics of land and food in cities in the North: Reclaiming urban agriculture and the struggle Solidarisch Landwirtschaften! (SoliLa!) in Austria. In: Franco, J. and Borras Jr., S.M. (2013): Land concentration, land grabbing and people’s struggles in Europe. p. 82-113. Transnational Institute (TNI) (in English).

A German translation of some of the chapters is available at: (2014)

 FIAN Austria’s web pages include publications and downloads on land issues both in Austria and internationally (in German):

Access to land, farm succession and new entrants into farming

 The web pages of Netzwerk Existenzgründung in der Landwirtschaft (NEL, network for farm start-ups) include information on relevant events in Austria, and current and past projects of the association, including an Erasmus+ partnership on farm succession and the set up of a matching platform for farms and farmers (available in German):

 One of NEL’s projects is the creation of film portraits of new entrants into farming. In addition to being available online, these short movies are also shown at events occasionally (available in German):

 In a 2015 study (in German), the demand for more information and education on extra-familial farm succession in Austria was examined.
Quendler, E., Brückler, M. and Resl, T. (2015): Außerfamiliäre Hofübergabe in Österreich. Bedarfsstudie für eine Informations- und Bildungsoffensive basierend auf österreichweiten Befragungen von LandwirtInnen. Bundesanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft, im Auftrag der Landjugend Österreich.

 In a 2013 bachelor’s thesis, basic information about extra-familial farm succession in Austria was collected, including qualitative interviews with successfully established new entrants into agriculture (available in German):
Gangl, J. et al. (2013): Einstieg in die Landwirtschaft. Bedarf und Situation landwirtschaftlicher Existenzgründungen außerhalb der familiären Hofnachfolge in Österreich. Bachelorarbeit. Wien: Universität für Bodenkultur

Alternative food networks

 The website lists existing food co-ops in Austria as well as groups establishing new ones, and also provides scientific publications on the subject (in German):

 An overview of Austria’s CSA farms and their shared principles can be found here (in German):


In this section
Background: Agriculture
Background: Land
Policy Environment
Good Practices