Scottish Farm Land Trust website
Nourish Scotland website
Scottish Crofting Federation website
Crofting Commission website
Community Land Scotland website
Common Good Food website
1) Scottish Government (2016). June 2016 Scottish Agricultural Census.
2) Scottish Government (2015). Agricultural labour.
3) Scottish Government (2015). Profitability - Farm Business Income.
4) Scottish Government (2016). Economic report on Scottish Agriculture 2016.
5) Scottish Government 2015. Economic report on Scottish Agriculture Section C Time Series.
6) Aberdeenshire Council (2009). Agriculture statistics.
7) Andy Wightman (2014). Capping the CAP 4.
8) Scottish Crofting Federation. Crofting FAQs.
9) Angus MacLeod. Overview of the History of Crofting.
10) Amanda Bryan, Aigas Associates & Steve Westbrook (2014). Community Land Scotland Economic Indicator Report.
11)Knight Frank(2016). Scottish Farmland Index Q1 2016.
12) The Scotsman (2016). Dane set to become Scotland’s biggest landowner.