Access To Land


Here are suggestions of further reading, from public authorities, academics and practitioners. Most of them are available in Czech and French.

Relevant articles

Czech Point (2014): Why rental property is a better bet than farmland in Czech Republic.

ČTK (2016): Land owned by state.

Hartvigsen, M. (2014). Land reform and land fragmentation in Central and Eastern Europe. Land Use Policy, 36, 330–341.

Hnutí Duha (2012): Dovoz a vývoz potravin po česku. (2016): Zpráva o trhu s půdou (The report on land market).

Chamonikolas K., Ponikelska L. (2014): Why Czech farmland is a better bet than stocks and bonds.

Janků J., Jakšík O., Kozák J., Marhoul A. M. (2016): Estimation of Land Loss in the Czech Republic in the Near Future. Soil and Water Research, 11: 155 - 162.

Janků J., Sekáč P., Baráková J., Kozák J. (2016): An analysis of land in terms of protection of farmland. Soil and Water Research, 11: 20–28.

Janovská V. (2016): Příčiny a důsledky fragmentace zemědělské půdy. Doctoral thesis.

MA (2016):Export potential of the Czech traditional agri-food products. Ministry of agriculture of the Czech republic.

Pechrova M. (2016): Combating the ageing of the farmers in the Czech republic and Slovak republic. Conference paper.

Sklenicka, P., Janovska, V., Salek, M., Vlasak, J., & Molnarova, K. (2014). The Farmland Rental Paradox: Extreme land ownership fragmentation as a new form of land degradation. Land Use Policy, 38, 587–593.

Střeleček F., Jelínek L., Lososová J., Zdeněk R. (2011): Relationship between the Land Rent and Agricultural Land Prices in the Czech Republic. Statistika 48 (2): 49 - 59

Zagata, L., & Sutherland, L.-A. (2015). Deconstructing the “young farmer problem in Europe”: Towards a research agenda. Journal of Rural Studies, 38, 39–51.

Data sources



Agricultural census in the Czech Republic. 2010.

Czech Farmland Fund

Biofuels Annual 2015

Institut of Agricultural Economics and Information

Ministry of Agriculture

Ministry of Environment

Ministry of Finance

Research Institute for Soil and Water Conservation

State Land Office

Supported and Guarantee Fund for Agriculture and Forestry

The report of Agricultural Conditions in the Czech Republic in 2015 (Zpráva o stavu zemědělství ČR za rok 2015)

The report of the State of the Environment 2015 (Zpráva o stavu životního prostředí 2015)


News from country
Nadace Pro půdu in a nutshell
A 15-min video interview with Hana Bernardova from Nadace Pro půdu (Foundation for Soil) from Czech Republic

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