Access To Land


A selected list of resources (articles, reports, videos, etc.) in English and German to learn more about access to land in Germany.


The investor takeover of farmland in East Germany (English)


The main study of the German policy framework applying to the land sale and rent market, together with German (and foreign) good practices, can be found in:
Bahner, T., Diermayr, X., Schmid, T., Schwedeler, A., Zaiser, M., Zaiser, I. (2012): Releasing the True value of land: the land market and new forms of land ownernship for organic agriculture, International Biodynamic Association

BMELV: German federal government’s annual report on agricultural policy

Löffler, T. and Peter, S. (2011): National literature review: Ageing of the farming population and the role of young farmers – Germany (unpublished)

FiBL (2013): The European Market for Organic Food 20116

Herre, R. (2013): Land concentration, land grabbing and options for change in Germany, in: European Coordination Via Campesina (2013): Land concentration, land grabbing and people’s struggles in Europe

Nägel, A., Rüter, T., Zaiser, M. (2013): Landwirtschaft als Gemeingut

Pedlow, G.W. (1991): The landed elite of Hesse-Cassel in the nineteenth century. In : Gibson and Blinkhorn (1991): Landownership and Power in Modern Europe, Harper Collins

Perkins, J.A. (1984): The German agricultural worker, 1815–1914’, Journal of Peasant Studies, xi, 3 (April 1984), pp. 3–27

Schlicht, S., LeGallic, T., Volz, P., Weckenbrock, P. (2012): "Community Supported Agriculture: An overview of characteristics, diffusion and political interaction in France, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland"

Schmidt, Gustav (2007): Hofübergabe und Austrag – Nach oberfränkischen Verhältnissen von früher bis heute, Oberfränkischer Schulanzeiger, Heimatbeilage zum Oberfränkischen Schulanzeiger Nr. 331, Bayreuth: Regierung von Oberfranken.

Website (in German)

Matthias Zeiser page: publications on freeing agricultural land in Germany


News from country
Reinventing Organizations - a teaser
What would an organization look like, where decisions are not made top down, but rather each person in the organization is empowered with a high degree of autonomy to make decisions and feel like (…)
Farmers without Land?
"Farmers without Land? New opportunities through community land ownership" was the title of a conference organised by Kulturland jointly with two other German networks (Netzwerk Flächensicherung (…)

In this section
Policy Environment
Good Practices