Access To Land

New entrants into farming

May 2016

The report New entrants into farming: lessons to foster innovation and entrepreneurship established under the European Innovation Partnership Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (IEP-AGRI) presents the findings of the Focus Group composed of 20 European experts. This report focuses on new entrants into farming. There was a strong need to study new entrants given the fact that it is impossible to assess their number in Europe while this group is constantly growing into the farming sector.

The first need was to reach to find a common definition concerning new farmers. The Focus Group estimated that there was a grey zone between new entrants and successors and created a graph showing precisely these two categories of farmers. It stresses that new entrants should include all ages.

Whereas their numbers cannot be estimated, they share common characteristics and motivations to enter into farming. Their specificities allow them to add value to the European farming sector.

There are numerous barriers to new entrants but the main one is access to land. This report innovates by giving some opportunities to new entrants for overcoming barriers such as local authorities support, incubator-supported start-up, Junior-Senior-Partnerships...

At the end of the report, you can have access to a short summary of 8 mini papers completing this study on new entrants.

The report is in English but you can find some fact-sheets on this report in various languages:

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