Access To Land

Netzwerk Flächensicherung

Netzwerk Flächensicherung ("Land Conservation Network") is a German national platform founded in 2018 by seven organisations working on agriculture and access to land issues. [1] The idea for the platform was born at a social and solidarity economy conference in Berlin in 2015, which brought together a group of organisations and activists looking at how to create “new land commons”. From 2016, a coalition of organisations interested in forming a national platform to address these issues began meeting.

Progressively, Netzwerk Flächensicherung was formalised through the creation of a joint website, the adoption of a common charter and the participation in various events, including the Wir-haben-es-satt congress in 2017. In 2018, the platform, through its founding member NABU Gransee, obtained funding from the Heidehof Foundation to organise a series of four workshops on farm succession, access to land, cooperative business models, and rural development. This was followed by the first Federal Conference of the Netzwerk Flächensicherung.

Read more about this German initiative on the Netzwerk
Flächensicherung’s website

[1Three of them are members of Access to Land : Agronauten, Regionalwert AG and Kulturland eG
