Nadace pro půdu (Foundation for Soil) is a Czech organisation founded in January 2016 with the aim to recreate the relationship between people and soil (the Earth) – the relationship that is expressed by used forms of ownership, stewardship and flows of finances. Soil, as well as water or air, is understood as a gift, therefore it shouldn’t be taken as a commodity or a subject of speculations and private ownership.
The purpose of the foundation is to protect soil as a heritage given to us and to the next generations, and to support a responsible, regardful and sustainable farming as well as those who farm or are willing to farm the land this way.
The ways the foundation wants to achieve its purpose are:
– buying land or receiving it as a gift,
– renting the land to appropriate organic farmers,
– promoting the responsible ways of farming and community supported agriculture,
– linking land owners with responsible organic farmers without available farmland, and
– cooperating with organisations with similar or complementary focus.