Access To Land

Czech Republic
Nadace pro půdu

Nadace pro půdu (Foundation for Soil) is a Czech organisation founded in January 2016 with the aim to recreate the relationship between people and soil (the Earth) – the relationship that is expressed by used forms of ownership, stewardship and flows of finances. Soil, as well as water or air, is understood as a gift, therefore it shouldn’t be taken as a commodity or a subject of speculations and private ownership.

The purpose of the foundation is to protect soil as a heritage given to us and to the next generations, and to support a responsible, regardful and sustainable farming as well as those who farm or are willing to farm the land this way.

The ways the foundation wants to achieve its purpose are:
 buying land or receiving it as a gift,
 renting the land to appropriate organic farmers,
 promoting the responsible ways of farming and community supported agriculture,
 linking land owners with responsible organic farmers without available farmland, and
 cooperating with organisations with similar or complementary focus.

Main activities: Land stewardship ; Support for farmers ; Policy/ advocacy ; Ethical finance ; Land acquisition/ ownership ; Public education ; Farming ; Awareness raising ; New entrants

Geographical scope: Single farm or site ; National

Types of agriculture: CSA, AMAP, consumers co-operative ; Local supply chains ; Organic ; Peasant ; Biodynamic

Place: Malonty 101, 382 91 Malonty, Czech Republic
Creation Date: 2016
Web site:
Contact person: Jan Valeška
Organisation's contact email address:

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