Access To Land

Local authorities’ role to secure access to land for farmers

June, 2017

Local authorities are a main stakeholder in facilitating access to land. This report explores their potential and presents a series of case studies illustrating the role local authorities can play in facilitating access to land for farmers, in particular agroecological farmers. It is meant for local authorities’ representatives – both elected representatives and staff – and for civil society organisations engaging with local authorities.

The report begins with an overview of the role local authorities can play in promoting access to land. It explores a range of levers which they can use, depending on their objectives and tools available to them, including regulation, planning instruments, taxes, direct land ownership or support policies.

Further on, the report presents the state of the art of the topic in six European countries. Finally, fifteen case studies present ideas and tools on how planning and managing land use can be key to pursuing many policy objectives, where such objectives are anchored in a vision of farmland’s role for local food provision, economic development, environment protection, community connections and territorial balance.

This booklet is organised in a meaningful way, making it easy to jump across sections and thus to focus on the most relevant information for every reader.

Read it for inspiration, contacts and new energy!

Download documents

  Supporting access to land for farmers in Europe. Experiences and potential of local authorities.


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