Access To Land

"Learning towards Access to Land"

New Erasmus Partnership 2016-8

A new Erasmus + program aimed at sharing good practices and building the tools and skills of emerging access to land organisations.

Some of our members will start a new Erasmus+ strategic partnership for adult education. The project, entitled “Learning towards Access to Land”, aims at sharing the approaches, tools and experiences of well-established organisations working on access to land, with organisations that are just emerging or starting to work on the issue.

Thus, Terre de Liens, France and Die Agronauten, which is part of Regionalwert AG, Germany will share their knowledge and experiences to new organisations : AMPI, Czech Republic ; Nourish Scotland ; and Iliosporoi Network, Greece. In return, these new organisations will share their own experience and contribute to enlarge and enrich collective understanding and perspectives on access to land issues and solutions for established organisations.

The project aims at training staff, volunteers and supporters as well as strengthening local networks and building new cross-sector partnerships.

This project has a two-year duration, from September 2016.


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