Access To Land

Land Forum for Food Sovereignty in Austria

Vienna, Austria

FIAN Austria

The Land-Forum aims to be a first nationwide networking and strategizing meeting of people/initiatives active around democratic, socially just land use and management in Austria.

It is co-organised by FIAN Austria, NEL (Network for farm succession), ÖBV-Via Campesina Austria, Rasenna (foundation dedicated to sustainable and socially just land allocation), VHS - Volkshochschulen Wien, in the context of Nyéléni Austria and Hands on the land.

The Land-Forum and its objective has been developed over discussions held for almost two years in various parts of Austria. Through the Land-Forum, participants will discuss around the following issues and larger questions:
> What political, economic and legal conditions cause the increasing concentration of land worldwide, in Europe and in Austria?
> What (legal, political and practical) approaches support the right to land?
> Which community-based forms to access land work?
> What can we learn from other European initiatives?
> How do we want to bundle and strengthen our activities in Austria?

Find the full programme (in German) at:
