Access To Land

Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Partnership

European experience-sharing on providing land for local sustainable agriculture

This project brought together civic organisations, from 7 European countries, which are operationally involved in promoting land access and stewardship. Its aims were to share resources and tools among these organisations, so as to consolidate their activities. The end goal of the project was to contribute to the preservation of agricultural land in Europe, to support the establishment of farmers (in particular new entrants) and thereby maintain vibrant rural areas, and to foster the shift of European agriculture towards more sustainable practices.

Project Objectives were:
 To increase knowledge of what other participating organisations are doing and of their local/ national contexts;
 To share experiences, ideas and tools about practical ways to assist farmers in having access to land and engaging in good land stewardship;
 To build the general and technical knowledge of participating organisations’ staff, board, farmers and community members;
 To build relationships with like-minded organisations across Europe;
 To disseminate experiences and tools so as to raise awareness of land issues and civic initiatives among citizens, consumers, farmers’ organisations, environmental groups and policy-makers.

 Mobilities to learn information about other regional/ national contexts, new approaches, and new tools, through field visits, thematic workshops, presentation of experiences, etc. About 90 staff, volunteers and farmers participated in field visits and experience-sharing activities. Over 500 members of our organisations indirectly benefited from the project.

 Dissemination activities, to share this information and knowledge with members of our organisations and of partner organisations, or with the general public. Through internal trainings, public meetings and networking events, we share analyses and results of the project with over 2000 people, from activists to researchers, other civil society organisations and policy makers.

Associazione italiana per l’agricultura biologica - Lazio
Regionalwert AG
Soil Association
Terre de liens (coordinator)
Viva sol
Xarxa de custodia del territori

This project was funded as a Grundtvig Learning Partnership, as part of the European Union programme for adult education.

August 2012 - July 2014
