Access To Land

Extent of Farmland Grabbing in the EU


In 2015, at the request of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (COMAGRI) of the European Parliament, The Transnational Institute (TNI) created a report on the extent of farm land grabbing in the European Union. The study looks at the rise of large-scale land deals and land grabbing in the EU. It finds significant evidence that farmland grabbing is under-way in the EU today. It discusses a number of the drivers of farmland grabbing in the EU and examines the impacts of farmland grabbing for European food security and food sovereignty, rural employment and vitality, and environmental sustainability. It argues that farmland grabbing, especially when connected to other burning European land issues, calls for a reform of European land governance.

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  TNI Study 2015 Extent of farmland Grabbing in the EU (PDF)
