Access To Land

Concentración y acaparamiento de tierras


La Revista Soberania Alimentaria is a quarterly journal co-edited by a group of Spanish and international organisations: La Via Campesina, la Plataforma rural, la Fundación Agricultura Viva-COAG and GRAIN.

This issue, published in October 2014, focuses on Land concentration and land grabbing in Spain. Through a series of analyses, interviews and testimonies, it provides an analysis of land concentration in Spain, explores cases of land grabbing and the replacement of small farmers by farmworkers on very large farms, and the analysis of Unai Aranguren from EHNE-Bizkaia on land issues in Spain and globally. It also describes the historic land struggles in Andalusia, presents the Andalusian cooperative Repla composed of farmworkers who developed agroecological farming on 50ha, and the experience of several municipal land banks.

This issue provides one of the most recent overview of land grabbing and concentration in Spain, as well as some good practices.

All articles are in Spanish only. The issue can be read on-line or downloaded from:
