Access To Land

Boscos de pastura

The project began in 2013 trying to boost land stewardship agreements between forest owners and shepherds in order to get a biomass reduction in exchange for grazing rights. The first pilot agreement was carried out between two forest owners and an beef cattle farmer, with satisfactory results for all parties. In total, seven agreements have been signed which represents 357ha of forest.

Main activities: Land stewardship ; Support for farmers ; Policy/ advocacy ; Ethical finance ; Land acquisition/ ownership ; Public education ; Farming ; Awareness raising ; New entrants

Geographical scope: Local

Types of agriculture: CSA, AMAP, consumers co-operative ; Local supply chains ; Organic ; Peasant ; Biodynamic

Place: C/ Vell, 3 08515 santa Creu de Jutglar
Creation Date: 2001
Web site:
Contact person: Laura Megias
Organisation's contact email address: