Access To Land

United Kingdom
Biodynamic Land Trust

The Biodynamic Land Trust (BDLT) exists to secure land for biodynamic farming, gardening and food growing in the long term. We do this through partnerships, community involvement and shares.

The BDLT is a charitable community benefit society. Members join by investing in withdrawable, non-profit shares.

Our aim is to secure agricultural land to hold in trust in perpetuity for affordable access for biodynamic farmers and agriculture, countryside conservation and for community connected, sustainable farming.

We have used a variety of mechanisms to secure land in Sussex, Devon, Worcestershire, Gloucestershire and Scotland. In 2013, the BDLT set up a separate social business called Ecodynamic Community Benefit Society, which aims to invest in develop and run renewable energy generation projects and to re-invest surplus in biodynamic and sustainable farming.

Main activities: Land stewardship ; Support for farmers ; Policy/ advocacy ; Ethical finance ; Land acquisition/ ownership ; Public education ; Farming ; Awareness raising ; New entrants

Geographical scope: National

Types of agriculture: CSA, AMAP, consumers co-operative ; Local supply chains ; Organic ; Peasant ; Biodynamic

Place: Painswick Inn, Gloucester Street, Stroud, GL5 1QG
Web site:
Contact person: Gabriel Kaye
Organisation's contact email address: