Spanish agriculture has become, in only few decades, a very productive agriculture, competitive on EU and world markets. But the side effects of this policy are considerable in social, economic and environmental terms. The translates in particular in the loss of 83 farms per day, a decline of farming population, land abandonment in some marginal areas, and land concentration. While the organic sector has also rapidly developed over the past decade, most of it is industrial organic farming.
Spanish agriculture is characterised by diversity, between types of production, farming models and regions. Andalusia has very large latifundia producing olives and employing day labourers. It also has intensive conventional and organic vegetable and fruit production under greenhouses in Almeria and Huelva. Castilla y Leon is a region of crop production. Catalonia has become one of the main European regions for livestock farming and is dominated by small to medium scale family farming.
At the same time, the whole of Spain has experienced the same evolution since the 1960s, marked by modernisation, mechanisation, specialisation and intensification of agricultural production. This evolution, led by the government, accelerated markedly with Spain’s accession to the EEC in 1986. The main objective of agricultural policy then was, not so much to ensure food security or support small-scale farming, as to strengthen the competitiveness of Spanish agriculture on EU and world markets. It partly rested on the resorting to cheap, Spanish or foreign day labourers. While this modernisation process took place in all Western European countries, it happened particularly quickly and intensely in Spain.
This policy resulted in an increase in food production, higher competitiveness, and development of exports. It also led to a steep decline of the farming population, land concentration, and loss of farmland. Thus, while there were 2.8 million farms in 1962, there were only 0.9 million left in 2009. Remaining farms have become bigger, more specialised, more mechanised and very integrated into agrofood chains.
Currently, the agricultural sector represents only 4% of the workforce in Spain. 61% of the farmers are over 55; together, they farm more than half the land. On the other hand, young farmers under 35 roughly account for 4% of the workforce of the sector and farm little more than 6% of the land.
In Spain, in just ten years, 300,000 small farms have disappeared – i.e. 83 farms/day or 3.5 farms/hour.
Organic agriculture has flourished in the last decade. In 2011, Spain had 1.8 million hectares of organic farming, 50% more than in 2009, which makes it the first EU country in terms of organic acreage. This development is spurred in part by the new CAP, and in part because of increasing European demand and regional public policies.
The sector is mostly integrated into industrial farming. Organic livestock farming is rapidly developing (+17% from 2009 to 2010). Andalusia has become the first region for organic production in Europe. However, in Andalusia like in many parts of Spain, most new organic production is intensive and exported to other European countries. Andalusian greenhouse production thus is one of the main area for organic vegetable production for the EU.
In parallel, organic consumption has also increased rapidly (+16% from 2004 to 2012). The supermarket distribution sector is playing an important role, particularly as outlet for the production of long organic agrofood chains. About 60 to 70% of Spanish organic production is exported, while Spain imports around 20-30% of the organic food it consumes.
Agricultural statistics for Spain:
– Eurostat
– Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (MAGRAMA)
– Soler, C., Land Concentration in Spain, in Revista Soberanía Alimentaria, 2014 (in Spanish)
Agricultural statistics for Catalonia:
– Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació de la Generalitat de Catalunya
– Statistics Institute of Catalonia (IDESCAT), in particular the study Els canvis en les explotacions agràries catalanes (1999-2007), 2009
– Catalan Council of agro-ecological production (CCPAE), Generalitat de Catalunya, in particular the study Estadístiques del sector ecològic a Catalunya (2000-2013), 2013
– Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry (CREAF)