Access To Land

Czech Republic
AMPI - Asociace místních potravinových iniciativ

AMPI is a non-profit organization founded in 2014, focused mainly on development of local food, solidarity-based initiatives and Food Sovereignty in the Czech Republic as well as throughout Europe. Its main targets are to educate adults, youth and children in the field of environmental aspects of agriculture and food consumption, to provide farmers and consumers a guidance in setting up local food initiatives and social enterprises, to promote local food alternatives and perform research and study activities in the field of sustainable farming and local food systems. On the international level, AMPI plays an active role in the Food Sovereignty movement and the CSA movement in Europe.

The topic of Access to Land (A2L) is framing all the above mentioned activities theoretically and since 2015 also practically as AMPI has been among the founders of the Foundation for Soil (Nadace Pro půdu) that is aiming at providing access to land for small scale organic and biodynamic farmers.

Main activities: Land stewardship ; Support for farmers ; Policy/ advocacy ; Ethical finance ; Land acquisition/ ownership ; Public education ; Farming ; Awareness raising ; New entrants

Geographical scope: National

Types of agriculture: CSA, AMAP, consumers co-operative ; Local supply chains ; Organic ; Peasant ; Biodynamic

Place: Na břehu 766/27, 190 00 Praha 9 - Vysočany
Creation Date: 2014
Web site:
Contact person: Jan Valeška
Organisation's contact email address: