Access To Land

2018 Annual Encounter of the Access to Land Network

The second annual encounter of the network took place in September 2018, in La Drôme, France. We organised presentations from start-up organisations, who shared about their progress and challenges, we discussed the importance of national platforms, with the example of the German Netzwerk Flächensicherung, and shared informal times of exchange during a walk and talk visit in the fields of one of the oldest Terre de Liens farms.

The meeting was also the occasion to discuss and agree on a strategic plan for 2018-2020 and related funding, share info about key events and activities in the coming year, and to establish working groups on three key themes of the network: seedfunding for start-up organisations, developing work with Eastern European organisations, and improving our communication.

Finally, we shared information about key events and activities in the coming year and learned about the work of other European-level networks such as Urgenci and the European Land Conservation Network.

Download the meeting agenda below for more information on programme and participants.

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  Meeting of the Access to Land Network_2018
