Access To Land


The issues revolving around access to land are discussed in a multitude of reports, studies and papers. They give us deep insight on EU and national contexts, uncover new perspectives and enable us to take objective, fact-based positions. Consider this section your personal library on land related topics. Check back often for new additions!

The Beginner’s Kit (v2.0)
A guidebook for setting up a land initiative and developing a land strategy
The Beginner’s Kit (official title „Access to land for agroecological farming – a guide for setting up a land initiative and developing a land strategy“) is a toolkit for all those who are thinking about starting a (local) land initiative or who are determined to do so.
How can our organisations can assist with non-family farm transfers?
Rurbans from Catalonia recently published a practical handbook on this topic
How our organisations can assist with non-family farm transfers?” Non-family agricultural and livestock farm transfers occur outside the family sphere, when the farm is transferred to somebody outside of the farming family. beginning at tertiary kinships concerning the transferor (T). This (...)
Handbook on responsible farmland ownership (France)
Guide de la propriété foncière agricole responsable
This “Guide de la propriété foncière agricole responsable” is a handbook designed to engage with and support private owners of farmland. It aims to raise awareness of private owners, and provide information and advice to those of them who are seeking to develop a project for their land which (...)
Simon Fairlie
A Short History of Enclosure in Britain
The Land Issue, Summer 2009
This article written by Simon Fairlie explains the historical process of enclosure in Britain and strongly argue against it by showing its negative effects on rural areas.
Land Innovations for Rural Regeneration and Generational Renewal in Europe
Documenting and analysing European innovative land practices
The RURALIZATION project brings a multi-actor and multi-disciplinary perspective on innovations and good practices to trigger rural regeneration and generational renewal in Europe. In 2020, RURALIZATION documented 64 innovative land practices, looking at ways that a variety of actors work (...)
Policy Report : Roots of Resilience
Land Policy for an Agroecological Transition in Europe
On 25 February 2021, the Nyéléni Europe Food Sovereignty Movement launches a policy report which makes a number of recommendations for how agroecology and democratic land control can take root in Europe.
Handbook: Your Land, My Land, Our Land
On 28 May 2020, the Nyéléni Europe Food Sovereignty Movement launches a practical tool to support land struggles and mobilisations, which aim to preserve farmland and access to land for peasant farming and agroecology.
A report by the European Environment Agency
Land use: state and outlook
This report is part of a series of a broader assessement of environmental issues in Europe, conducted by the European Environment Agency in 2020. It focuses on land use in Europe, i.e. how land is used, for diverse human activities - e.g. urban development, agriculture, forestry - or as (...)
A guide for setting up a land initiative and developing a land strategy
New publication!
The Access to Land Network is launching a new guide: ‘Access to land for agroecological farming: a guide for setting up a land initiative and developing a land strategy’.
Reviving County Farms in England
December 2019
A new report, ‘Reviving County Farms’, has been published by CPRE, the countryside charity for England, in collaboration with the New Economics Foundation, Who Owns England?, and Shared Assets.
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