Access To Land

Learning Platform - Webinar Series 2021

This series of webinars has been between January and June 2021 in the frame of the Erasmus+ Partnership Project Learning Platform. Its aim is to share experiences from various land initiatives and providing answer on questions that have been raised within the partnership - hoping to help and inspire others.

The treated topics:

  • Assessing Impact of Agroecological Farms
  • Crowdfunding for Access to Land
  • Guide for Setting Up Access to Land Initiatives
  • Process of Buying Farmland
  • Process of Buying (Farm)Buildings
  • Managing Donations of Farms/Land

1 - Assessing Impact of Agroecological Farms

In the framework of the Erasmus+ project "setting up a learning platform for farmers’ access to land" different already-existing approaches have been explored in order to grasp how the impact of farms can be assessed, improved and communicated.
Five methods are briefly explained during this webinar, while more in-depth information in the guide that is going to be published on

2 - Crowdfunding for Access to Land

In the framework of the Erasmus+ project "setting up a learning platform for farmers’ access to land", we delve into how crowdfunding campaigns can be organised to acquire land and farm assets. Thomas Kliemt-Rippel is part of the Kulturland Cooperative and co-founder of, an open-source software for crowdfunding. He is working in the field of communication and coordinated one of the biggest crowdfunding (farmhouse) and -investing (farmland) campaign with an overall volume of approximately 1 M€. The Luzernhof is now not only a very successful CSA, but also innovative in their new model of «share the harvest by order ». Overall, Kulturland purchased farmland with 22 farms in an overall volume of €8m. We will hear about the campaign and the idea and concept behind it, the Do’s and Dont’s when crowdfunding for farmland and get an overview of relevant aspects of a communication strategy for such campaigns.

3 - Beginners’ Kit - Guide for Setting Up Access to Land Initiatives

In the framework of the Erasmus+ project "Setting-up a Learning Platform for Farmers’ Access to Land", we present the guidebook that was published by the Access to Land Network (A2LN) to support the genesis and development of land initiatives for agro-ecological farmers. This guide brings together the experience of several similar organizations throughout Europe and it aims to help you ask the right questions and offer you examples and ways to build an initiative that corresponds to your needs and capacities. For reading the publication: (an updated version will be published in summer 2021).

4 - Process of Buying Farmland

De Langenoten and Kulturland, both experienced organisations from the access to land network, will explain us how they proceed to acquire farmland for agroecological projects: what conditions must be fulfilled? Which aspects of the farmland do they check? How do they determine the price they want to pay? How do they get the money to buy? At what point in the process the future farmer gets involved? How do they decide the amount of the lease money...? Check up what your organisation needs to know before buying farmland!

5 - Process of Buying (Farm)Buildings

Experienced organisations from the A2L network will explain how they proceed to acquire farm buildings that come with land, for agroecological projects:what conditions must be fulfilled, which aspects of the buildings they check, how they determine the price, how they get the money to buy, at what point in the process the future farmer gets involved, how they decide the amount of the lease money...who becomes responsible for the maintenance of the buildings?

6- Managing Donations of Farms/Land

Donating land for agroecology can be transformative, both for the recipient and the donor. But what motivates people to gift land? And how do organisations manage such donations? What do they need to consider before accepting land and holding it in the long-term? And what innovations and opportunities arise from such collaborations?

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